Ask a Death Doula Podcast is a weekly show hosted by Hospice and Oncology nurse Suzanne B. O’Brien. Suzanne is the CEO and founder of International Doulagivers Institute. This is a vital platform for discussions and interviews that will bring back death into the natural fold of life. Ask a Death Doula will share vital education on how to care for those who are dying as well as sharing inspiring stories from working at the bedside with over 1000 dying people from all around the world. Please visit www.doulagivers.com to access our free education and resource center. About International Doulagivers Institute: The goal of Doulagivers Institute is simple and powerful - to provide affordable and accessible education and support to everyone in the world so that every person has the opportunity to die with comfort and dignity in their own home. Death is something that we all have in common no matter our race, religion, or socioeconomic status. We believe that this education to support people to have the most positive end of life experience is a human right, not a privilege.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
THIS is what happens when end of life wishes are NOT clearly defined.
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
The importance of Advance Directives: A discussion with Sylvia Cohen
Can you imagine the emotional turmoil and familial discord that arises when end-of-life wishes are not clearly defined?
Get ready to walk in the shoes of Sylvia Cohen as she courageously recounts her personal journey surrounding end-of-life care and the profound impact it had on her family. An enlightening chat about the cultural complexities within a multicultural family in a medical setting awaits you, emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting different beliefs and customs. Sylvia also shares her mother's experience with hospice care, highlighting the significance of maintaining a certain quality of life.
As the conversation progresses, Sylvia's journey towards becoming a death doula unfolds. Discover how a death doula can provide invaluable guidance and support during the end-of-life journey, and the critical role of having an advanced directive and 'five wishes' in place. Sylvia's insights on legacy planning and advanced directives advocate for the importance of these topics in end-of-life care discussions. Her story is a testament to the importance of preparedness and fostering a supportive environment during such challenging times.
Finally, we address the topic of legacy planning and advanced directives. Sylvia underscores the need to consider the character traits and abilities of your children when assigning a medical proxy. The conversation stresses the necessity of creating an advanced directive and how it can be a significant gift for both the individual and their loved ones. Sylvia also highlights the importance of crafting a legacy box, revealing how it can serve as a meaningful method of passing on love and education to future generations. Tune in to gain insights from her experiences and join her mission to improve end-of-life care and support for others.
We dive in to:
(00:02) Improving End-of-Life Care and Support
(09:59) Navigating End-of-Life Decisions and Cultural Sensitivities
(16:24) Hospice Care and Quality of Life
(32:42) Challenges With Hospice Care and Communication
(45:08) Death Doula's Role
(50:50) Legacy Planning and Advanced Directives
We want to hear from you!!!
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Please Rate, Review, & Follow so we can reach more people.
Links mentioned in this episode:
80-90% of a positive end of life depends on these two things:
Knowing the basic skills on how to care for someone at the end of life and planning ahead - and BOTH Doulagivers Institute is giving you for FREE!
Access them Below!
- Making your wishes known is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved ones. Download The Doulagivers 9 Choice Advance Directive now! It's FREE!
- The Doulagivers Level 1 End of Life Family Caregiver Training AVAILABLE NOW ON DEMAND! Listen Now (edited)
JOIN the FREE Death Doula Discovery Webinar on December 14th at 7pm ET Click Here!
More about what we do at Doulagivers Institute - Click here!

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Suzanne B. O’Brien Talks with Cathy Yuhas about ”The Hospice Gap”
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
How do you envision the end of your life?
What if you could transform that vision from a fear-filled one to a peaceful and sacred experience?
Join us for a heart-to-heart conversation with our guest, Cathy Yuhas, a seasoned nurse specializing in ICU, ER, and hospice care. Cathy shares a powerful, deeply personal story about how a woman's decision to embrace hospice care completely redefined her perception of death, and illuminated the profound importance of planning for the end, free of judgment.
We also explore the glaring gaps that exist in our healthcare system, with a specific focus on the realm of hospice care. Cathy recounts her difficulties navigating the system when her father was dying, emphasizing the desperate need for more education and resources in this area. She provides a detailed overview of the history of hospice care in the United States, highlighting the ongoing challenges it faces due to changing reimbursement structures.
Cathy's journey maps out the transformative power of end-of-life planning. She emphasizes the critical role played by directives like the Medical Order for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form, and how hospice can be a beacon of care. As we wrap up, Cathy opens up about her role as a grief educator, and the importance of love, forgiveness, and comfort in the dying process. Tune in to this poignant episode that offers profound insights into dying and grief, underscoring the importance of living each day to the fullest.
We dive into:
- (01:12 - 02:17) Nurse's Journey in Hospice Care
- (04:47 - 06:09) Exploring Hospice Care Beauty and Gaps
- (12:38 - 13:46) Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- (17:12 - 18:09) Improving End-of-Life Care Experience
- (25:42 - 26:40) The Power of Hospice Care
- (30:35 - 31:32) Booklet
Links mentioned in this episode:
80-90% of a positive end of life depends on these two things:
Knowing the basic skills on how to care for someone at the end of life and planning ahead - and BOTH Doulagivers Institute is giving you for FREE!
Access them Below!
- Making your wishes known is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your loved ones. Download The Doulagivers 9 Choice Advance Directive now! It's FREE!
- The Doulagivers Level 1 End of Life Family Caregiver Training AVAILABLE NOW ON DEMAND! Listen Now (edited)
Learn more about Cathy - Click here!
More about what we do at Doulagivers Institute - Click here!

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
What Makes a Good Death? A Good Life! But What Does That Mean?
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
I have been studying what makes a “Good Death” for years. When I was working with end of life patients and their families, I quickly learned that being a part of a positive end of life experience is a blessing.
It not only makes you aware that this natural and guaranteed part of life can be beautiful - but it changes you. It allows you to step into a sacred and wondrous place. It suddenly gives a deeper meaning to life and it exposes you to a new energy and connection that shifts your perspective, heals you, and sets you on a path to discover your higher purpose.
We are all holistic beings that consist of four primary bodies of energy:
- Physical Body
- Mental Body
- Emotional Body
- Spiritual Body
At the end of life, as someone's physical body is diminishing, their spiritual body is growing and it is at this time that people get what I call their “spiritual eyes” or “spiritual wisdom”. They become connected to their higher consciousness and the greater part of themselves that opens them up to a newfound perspective and understanding of just about everything!
It is at this time where they say “I get it now! Now I know why all those things happened to me!”
It is like watching someone put all the puzzle pieces of their life together and the clarity, peace, and serenity they find in this moment is indescribable. It is truly magnificent.
But here is what I want you to know… we do not have to wait until the end of our lives to experience this aha! moment we all so desperately want. We can access this higher wisdom and connection right now.
We just need to do the work. We need to make a conscious decision to make intentional choices that raise the frequency of our energy so that we can tap into that higher perspective and that inner-knowing right here and right now.
In this week's episode of the Ask a Death Doula Podcast, I am talking with Amanda Kuda about her new book “Unbottled Potential” and we are talking all about the role that alcohol plays in keeping us from connecting to our higher self.
I will tell you right now that working with those at the end of life has taught me everything I know about how to truly LIVE.
How to:
- Live a Life of Presence
- Live a Life of Purpose
- Live a Life of Fulfillment
It is by learning these important life lessons that have been passed on to me by my former patients that you can learn to live an extraordinary life too!
That is why on Thursday, October 26th at 7pm ET I am teaching a LIVE Universal Life Mastery {ULM} Masterclass Webinar where I will be going deeper into these life-changing perspectives and realizations I have been fortunate enough to experience and benefit from in my own life.
I would love for you to join me in this class where we will explore how to find a place of inner peace no matter what your external circumstances may be, how to connect to the higher version of yourself that is waiting to be accessed, and how to find your path and purpose in this life!
Click Here to Register Now!
Learn More About Amanda Kuda here
Get the Book: Unbolted Potential here
P.S. The next FREE Level 1 End of Life Doula and Family Caregiver Training Webinar will be COMING UP SOON!
Click Here to Register and Share With a Friend!

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
What is the True Meaning of Life
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
What is the Meaning of Life?
YES- This is a big question and one that I have sought the answer to for a long time. Ironically, it was when I started to work with the dying, that I learned everything about HOW to LIVE!
We are on the brink of a personal and collective shift. The world is full of chaos, and we are untethered to our spiritual being part of who we are and why we are here.
Join me in this heartfelt conversation with Ron Damico. Ron Damico is an Intuitive Healer, Spiritual Guide, and is at the forefront of leading the New Human Consciousness. He is a master mentor, healer, teacher, and way shower who has been guiding people from all walks of life and backgrounds through the healing and transformation process for over two decades.
In this episode of Ask a Death Doula,
You will learn:
1) How this is the time in our humanity for a big shift in consciousness to take place. We are being called to go from a world running on fear, power, and vitriol to one of love and compassion.
2) How when we raise our individual consciousness, we raise the collective consciousness.
3) How new research in both Neuroscience and Quantum Physics is validating that we can take control of our mind, body, and life to awaken to our highest consciousness.
Click Here to Listen and please Spread the Word!
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
FREE Universal Life Mastery Masterclass Thursday, October 26th 7pm ET Click here
Learn More About Ron Damico Click here
#spirituality #consciousness #healing

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
It takes an extremely special person to go from being the poster girl of health/wellness and how to live our best lives to talking about grief.
And not just grief we feel when a loved one dies, but grief on all levels and of all kinds.
Could the denial of death, and thus the lack of education and information about grief, be the cause of so much depression, anxiety, and even disease in our world today?
Many of you may not know, but Kris Carr has been a guiding light, mentor, and supportive presence in my journey of creating Doulagivers Institute.
She is ethical, she is wicked smart, and she keeps everything real with an extra-large side of FUN!!!
When she told me she was writing a book about grief, I was so grateful. I know this could not have been an easy choice. I ALSO knew how many people this would invite into this conversation and help.
In this episode of the Ask a Death Doula Podcast, I will be talking to Kris about her new book, “I’m Not A Mourning Person.”
In it, she shares what to expect when you’re not expecting your world to fall apart. In true Kris Carr fashion, it’s raw and inspiring but also has joy, humor, and hope too! This book gives readers tips and strategies to move forward and start living again after experiencing loss.
In this episode, we will discuss:
- How LIFE promises you it all - the positive and the challenging parts of the journey and HOW you navigate through the tough times that makes ALL the difference in that experience.
- How death awareness can be our greatest teacher about how to live fully.
- Beautiful, priceless, and sage life lessons from her late father.
We will all be touched by grief - all kinds of it - and that does not need to be a terrible thing. It is a great reminder of our humanity and how we are so much more alike than we are different.
Death, Grief, and Love are the great equalizers of the world.
Let’s share what we can to support each other through the hard times in the healthiest way possible.
Get the Book "I'm Not a Mourning Person" Click here
Learn more about Kris Carr Click here
More about Doulagivers Institute Click here

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
We Need to Create ”Outlets” for Grief
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
On this episode of Ask a Death Doula,
I had the pleasure of Interviewing Mary Landry, the creator of the My Loved One and Me grief journal.
My Loved One and Me started as a sympathy gift for a friend. It is a guided journal to assist the grieving process by reflecting on how time spent with a loved one can help you to continue to move forward.
To create it, Mary Landry drew upon her professional design background, Tai Chi/Chi Gung/Chinese Medicine training and a lifetime of intuitive experiences. As an Instructional and Graphic Designer, she made the journal inviting and inclusive regardless of belief systems. As an energy healer, Mary honors death as a natural part of life and reminds us of our connection to all. And as someone who has experienced loss and is an empathetic friend, she provides loving support during the quiet moments when comfort is most needed.
You can get the Journal here: Here
Get the FREE Doulagivers Grief Guide Here
For More Information and Death Doula Training, Click HERE

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
The ”Good Death Book” Officially Announced!
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
In this episode of Ask a Death Doula,
I'm officially announcing "The Good Death": What to Expect When Your Loved One is Dying and How to Have Positive End of Life Experiences on Your Own Terms Book. Little Brown Spark ( March 2025 )
The book is a step by step guide on how to care for your loved one at the end of life. It includes the vital pre-planning, the actual teachings of how to care for someone dying in all three phases of end of life, and new ways to celebrate, honor and choose final resting places that are financially, environmentally and emotionally healing.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
Topic #1 How The Good Death became a book
Topic #2 What the reception from the publishing industry was on a book with the topic of "death".
Topic #3 What we hope to accomplish with this book and plans for the future to build a better world for all.
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
FREE LIVE End of Life Family Caregiver Training : Click here
Learn More: Doulagivers Institute Click here: https://www.doulagivers.com

Together is how we change the World!- together. xo Suzanne

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Ask a Death Doula How to Access ”The Healed State”
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
In this episode of Ask a Doulagiver,
I have the great pleasure of interviewing Christianne Wolff about her new book THE HEALED STATE!
The book shares beautiful stories, techniques and the science of how to heal. This episode is an impactful conversation between two holistic healers who are able to share their stories and importance of understanding we are energetic beings having a human experience.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
Topic #1 How Christianne learned she was a healer.
Topic #2 How you can heal your body through breaking bad habits ( and instilling good ones) nutrition, gut health, nature, sound healing and more.
Topic #3 How nourishing and restoring your 4 bodies of energy will allow you to create the future to be anything you want it to be.- YES!!!!
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
Get The Book: The Healed State
Learn More About Christianne Wolff here: https://thebodyrescueplan.com
Learn More: Free Universal Life Mastery Webinar here! https://my.demio.com/ref/CQloDUCmQgEoIr3H
Learn More: Doulagivers Institute Click here: https://www.doulagivers.com
Join our Monthly Life Cafe- Last Wednesday of Every Month at 12pm EST!!!

Together is how we change the World!- together. xo Suzanne

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
The Truth About Becoming a Certified Death Doula
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
The Truth About Becoming a Certified Death Doula
There is a worldwide global movement going on and it is known as the Death Doula. Just like birthing doulas that care for and guide a baby into this world, there are now Death Doulas that are guiding people out of the world!
In this episode of Ask a Death Doula,
I will share with you the truth about becoming a Death Doula and what you need to know when deciding if this profession is the right path for you.
Death is having a rebirth! We have been dying for thousands of years. However, it is only in the last century that we have completely removed the natural life experience of death from our awareness. Death is not a medical experience - it is a human one. Hospice is a beautiful model of care, but unfortunately the present model of hospice has many “gaps” and is not working well for most patients and families. There is a need for additional support from trained and knowledgeable professionals in this space of end of life care.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- What is a Death Doula?
- The Death Doula Movement
- What do Death Doulas Do?
- Why Do We Need Death Doulas if We Have Hospice Care?
- Does Hospice Approve of Death Doulas?
- What Type of Holistic Support do Death Doulas Provide?
- How to Know if Being a Death Doula is Right for You?
- How to Pick The Best Training for You When Becoming a Death Doula
- Where Do Death Doulas Work? 10) How Much Do Death Doulas Get Paid?
Click Here to Listen and Spread the Word!
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
Learn More About Hospice Care: Click here to get your copy of the The Doulagivers Hospice Handbook: https://training.doulagivers.com/offers/TELMrnSe/checkout
NHPCO’s End of Life Doula Council: Click here
NEDA National End of Life Doula Alliance Click here
Learn How to Care For Someone Who is Dying: Free 90 Minute Webinar Register here: Save Your seat here
Learn More: Doulagivers Institute Click here: https://www.doulagivers.com
P.S. I will be giving a FREE COPY of the Doulagivers Hospice Handbook to everyone that shows up LIVE to the FREE Doulagivers 90-Minute Level 1 End of Life Doula Live Webinar Training Thursday, July 20th at 7pm ET! Please make sure to share this podcast with at least three of your friends!
P.P.S. This will be the last webinar that we will be offering the CEOLD Certified End of Life Doula Training as a stand alone program. Join here
Please share this podcast with others and Spread the Word of this global community!
This is how we change the end of life- together. xo Suzanne

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Talking about Death with Death Deck co-Founder Lisa Pahl
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
80%-90% of a positive end of life ( no matter what the disease process) depends on these two things:
- Planning ahead and sharing your end of life wishes with those you love ahead of time and
- Knowing the basics on how to care for someone at the end of life.
In this episode of Ask a Death Doula,
I have the great pleasure of interviewing Lisa Pahl co-creator of The Death Deck and The E•O•L Deck; games.
These card games inspire meaningful conversations on what matters most in our lives and in our deaths. Lisa is also an expert contributor for Help Texts which provides expert grief and mental health support via text messages. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over fifteen years of experience in hospice and emergency medicine, Lisa helps people cope with illness, dying, and grief. With a passionate belief that peace at the end begins with meaningful conversations over time, Lisa engages people in talking about and preparing for this important stage of life.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
Topic #1 How Lisa ( heroically ) worked with those in trauma and crisis.
Topic #2 How Lisa’s father got a diagnosis that changed not only his life, but Lisa’s too.
Topic #3 How having the conversation about end of life wishes can be easy, fun and empowered with The Death Deck!
Click Here to Listen and Spread the Word!
Links Mentioned in This Episode:
The Death Deck on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedeathdeck/
Get The Game: https://thedeathdeck.com
Learn More About Hospice Care: Click here to get your copy of the The Doulagivers Hospice Handbook: https://training.doulagivers.com/offers/TELMrnSe/checkout
Learn How to Care For Someone Who is Dying: Free 90 Minute Webinar Register here: Save Your seat here
Learn More: Doulagivers Institute Click here: https://www.doulagivers.com
P.S. I will be giving a FREE COPY of the Doulagivers Hospice Handbook to everyone that shows up LIVE to the FREE Doulagivers 90-Minute Level 1 End of Life Doula Live Webinar Training Thursday, July 20th at 7pm ET! Please make sure to share this podcast with at least three of your friends!
This is how we change the end of life- together. xo Suzanne